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Your wig is a key investment in your lifestyle, purchased with a specific look in mind. To ensure you get the most out of your wig, it’s essential to care for it properly. Synthetic wig maintenance is relatively simple and low-maintenance, but neglecting basic care can cause your wig to deteriorate and lose its attractive luster.

Fortunately, synthetic wig care primarily involves occasional washing. The frequency depends on your environment—humidity and temperature can affect a wig—but a good rule of thumb is to wash your wig after every ten wears. Use your judgment; if your wig starts to show signs of needing a clean, it’s time to wash it.

Washing your synthetic wig is straightforward. Begin by brushing it with a wig brush to remove any tangles. Then, follow the instructions on your wig shampoo bottle, typically adding about one tablespoon of shampoo to a sink filled with cold water. Gently agitate the wig in the water without rubbing or scrubbing. Rinse the wig with cold water and blot it dry with a towel, avoiding any rubbing. Finally, hang your wig on a tall, cylindrical object to dry. Spray it with conditioning spray, style it with your fingers, and allow it to air dry—never use a blow dryer on your wig.