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Cleaning your wig is usually a straightforward process, but dealing with gum or sticky food can pose a significant challenge. Gum especially adheres to wig fibers tightly, complicating its removal.


Initially, attempt to wash the wig to remove sticky food residue, as water can dissolve most food substances. However, be cautious to avoid damaging the wig during this process.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is not water-soluble and requires alternative methods for removal. Cutting out affected strands may be necessary, although it risks altering the wig’s appearance if not done carefully.


An effective method for removing gum involves freezing the affected area of the wig. Freezing makes the gum brittle, allowing it to be carefully broken off with a blunt tool. This approach works best when the gum is entangled in longer strands of hair.

This approach should help in effectively managing the challenge of removing gum and sticky food from your wig.